Friday, June 22, 2007

Dont noe wat it is dat prompted me 2 sit up in d middle of d nite 2 start my blog-journey...
mebe its d unabated sound of ma frnd akki(comrade-in arms in d war against conservatism) dat finally did d trick...
so watever follows in d days 2 come...u noe wer d blame goes....
Am kinda wonky rite now but am nuts d rest of d i guess dat kinda sums it all up on wat u can expect frm me....


Unknown said...

i woke up a li'l late and, you surprise me with a ...
i'm all surprised.

a nicey for a first post!
guess all the pestering, paid off ...>:D<

Rock On.

Madhavi Nisha Nair said...

nuts dude...:)